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Intro video (Why bridges?)


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1. Intro video (Why bridges?)
2. Short bio
3. Full bio
4. Head shot
5. Book sell sheet, with full book information
6. Speaker sheet
7. Rewriting Adam excerpt
8. Book reviews
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Short Bio
Connie Mae Inglis has a passion to share stories. She has spent much of the last 25 years in Southeast Asia with her husband and children, serving as a literacy specialist, teacher, and editor. This cross-cultural living has fed her curiosity and given her lots of material for telling stories, always with the desire to offer restoration hope. Connie has had poetry, short stories, and devotionals published. She and her husband divide their time between Alberta, Canada where she focuses on her grandkids, and Southeast Asia with her ministry focus.
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Long Bio
Connie Mae Inglis was born on a bridge--the Borden bridge to be exact, near the small town of Borden, Saskatchewan, where she grew up with five siblings. From her small-world upbringing to her big-world work with Wycliffe Canada, she's spent her life building bridges of hope and encouragement.

Her love of languages and linguistics has taken her to both the Philippines and Thailand. Being immersed in cultures and languages so different from her own, opened her eyes to the significance of stories--that we all have a story that needs to be told. Out of this awareness, and along with a passionate curiosity, she began her writing journey. 

Rewriting Adam is her first novel. But the journey is not over!

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audio excerpt, ch 1
00:00 / 02:11
Rewriting Adam Excerpt

He jerked awake. One lone man, fighting an invisible contender that wouldn't stay down.
     "Noooo!" he whispered to the empty room, his heart beating double time on a bass drum. Despite the tropical heat, his body trembled with a clammy sweat. He pulled the sheet up under his chin and curled into a fetal position, thankful for escape, again.
     He knew the nightmare well: His mother entering his room, announcing that she's leaving, moving out, but instead of sadness, her voice expresses controlled excitement, and when she turns to leave, he sees a toothy grin on her face. Suddenly, he's transported to a long, planked train platform, one from the wild, wild west. His mother peeks around the corner of a dilapidated station, that same grin on her face. Her green eyes glaze over, her long auburn hair turning thin and stringy, as she transforms into a zombie-like apparition, her mouth spread wide with vampire teeth, her filmy gown draped loosely around her. She screams in horror, yet no sound comes out. He turns and runs. On and on. Forever running. Yet the doppelgänger's creepy laugh just keeps getting closer and closer. In blind desperation, he leaps down onto the tracks, hoping to lose her among the rail cars. Instead, he finds himself falling, never landing. Then he wakes up.
     He squeezed his eyes tight against the image. Why did his mother keep haunting him? What happened to his happy dreams? Did he have happy dreams? He did! He knew he did. In an attempt to disengage his thoughts, he focused on the click, click, clicking of the old floor fan. What time was it? He forced his eyes open and looked at the clock on the wall through the mangled mess of shoulder length hair covering his face. 11:00 o'clock. He needed a drink. That was a lie. What he really needed was food. 
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Praise for Rewriting Adam 

"I find Connie Mae Inglis's book a refreshing story of freedom and healing. The message of hope and compassion for people struggling with the impossibilities of life, the questions that are not easily answered, and the answers that are looking for satisfying questions, pours forth in her delightful, imaginative, and redemptive novel, Rewriting Adam."
                     --Nicola MacCameron, author of the Leoshine series

"A struggle with addiction, a failed marriage, and the longing to make things right for a child's sake are just a few of the things that pull at the heartstrings in this well-written novel of failure and redemption. Ms. Inglis pulls you in, leads you into an imaginary world of wonder, and makes you want to stand up and cheer as the story comes to its satisfying conclusion."

                     --Marcia Laycock, award-winning author of One Smooth Stone


"With hints of the literary and artfully composed, Connie Mae Inglis's extraordinary attention to sensory details transport the reader to every location including her parallel universe, which is both believable and fantastical. Simply put, Rewriting Adam is a beautiful read."

                     --Tracy Krauss, award-winning author of Wind Over Marshdale


"I have read my fair share of fantasy novels, but I have never before encountered a world like that created by Connie Mae Inglis in her book Rewriting Adam. ...Good fantasy novels challenge our way of looking at our own world, of facing our own encounters with evil and of overcoming evil with good. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for hope and encouragement, who also loves exploring strange, new worlds."

                     --Fred Ash, author of The Dog Who Wanted to Play

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Short bi
Full bio
Head shot
Sell Sheet
Speaker Sheet
Excerpt Rewriting Adam
Reviews RA
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