It was the fall of 2015. I had been taking courses at Athabasca University, working towards finishing a Bachelor of Arts degree that I had started way back in 1981 at the University of Saskatchewan. The gap between when I started and when I went back to finishing was almost 20 years. But here I was, three classes away from finishing!

That fall, in a fiction-writing course, I wrote the first five chapters of a novel. I already had an idea percolating in my head, so starting the novel wasn't that difficult. I liked my prof. So I asked her for course advice for my last two classes. She offered to oversee my course if I took two independent studies classes and finished my novel. Could I do that?
I had already fallen in love with my characters, though my protagonist was not that likeable. And yet, I wanted to see him change--to find the hope he was seeking as the novel progressed. And so, I said yes to my prof and away we went. And, as they say, the rest is history, because it resulted in Rewriting Adam.